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P.S. Blog

Why P.S?

Postscript: (def.) a paragraph, phrase, etc., added to a letter that has already been concluded and signed by the writer.

Jesus is the finished work. He is the Good News concluded and signed by the Author of our Faith. We, being in Christ, are living testimonies of His Word for all the world to see the Glory of God here on Earth. This blog is for this purpose: to record the revelation knowledge of God that has been written upon my heart so those who read will taste and see of the LORD's goodness, with the hope that they might encounter Him through the testimonies of His love. 

 "You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, recognized and read by everyone. It is clear that you are Christ’s letter, produced[a] by us, not written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God—not on stone tablets but on tablets that are hearts of flesh." 

1 Corinthians 3:2-3 HSCB

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