Have I been the only one to look at the world then look back and the children with worry over what their little lives may have to endure in the years to come? My heart can barely handle the thought that they might suffer in anyway.
Seeking the Lord in prayer, I reminded God of his promise to me concerning my children; They are in His hands. But, I found I was still anxious and worried for their future.
Then Holy Spirit graciously revealed my twisted thinking. I had placed trust in the government and the systems of the world that were supposed to 'guarantee' my children's safety. Now, seeing that these systems were not as reliable as I had perceived, my faith was being shaken. My vision being redirected.
"Oh, child of little faith," I thought, as I sighed and confessed to ABBA my sin. I had unknowingly placed my hope for my children's future in the security provided by a natural government, instead of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Then I heard Holy Spirit say, "They were made for this time, Karrie. Trust me with them."
Even as I type, my eyes fill with tears. How much a mother clings to her children and hopes all things good for them! Who am I that the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth hears the prayers of a mother and offers to have and hold them more securely than I ever can. "They will be made strong and courageous." Holy Spirit said, but he didn't stop there...
This next revelation from the Holy Spirit was hard to hear.
He said, "There is a difference between safe and comfortable."
You see, I had meshed the two ideas together into one mold.
This revelation left me with questions:
Was the desire for my children to be comfortable wrong? What if it was comfort-ability that led us to where we are now as a nation?
What if the youth (my children) are purposed for more than I can imagine and it will require them to move into uncomfortable places and situations? - Will they be ready?
Being convinced to reject the ideas that comfort and safety are two sides of the same coin, Holy Spirit led me to a scripture that reassured me of who I place my trust in.
One, like a praying mother, who prayed for his friends, disciples, and future generations that would be called by his name (John 17:6-2).
Jesus prayed for me, he prayed for you, and he has prayed for your children. This is the security that we have been given. The security of a loving Father, who understands the pain of watching his son suffer in order to provide to a people who might reject him, security and safety within His Eternal Kingdom.
Mothers, Fathers, Caregivers, I would say to you: Dedicate your children to the Lord and raise them in the Way and the Truth of Jesus Christ.
Trust God with your children while giving up the notion that their comfort in this equates with their security.
The Lord is our hiding place, our place of hope and a future. Pray for your children that they would know the Lord and seek God above the comfort and false security that the world offers.
A prayer for the Children:
I pray, Father, that every trial or temptation my child will face will be overcome in the victory of Jesus Name. May they be filled with your Spirit, covered with your grace and mercy, and walk in power & love. May they be image-bearers, glory-carriers, and abide in the depths of your great love. Let them be known as friends of God, seeking your way, not turning to the left or to the right. Let them be infused with your strength and hope - always remaining faithful to your word. They are yours. I give them to you. They are in your hands and I trust you with them. You will never fail them. Thank you, ABBA. In Jesus name, AMEN