Do not Give Up
The hardest thing to do
Is to start something brand-new.
As you venture on this path,
The voice of insecurity and fear
Attempt to grab your ear.
“This won’t go anywhere,” they sneer.
It is during this time,
You must find your rest
And soak in God’s presence,
Because He is your
“Keep on going!”
“Do not give up!”
“I Believe in you!”
His voice is enough.
Even in a weary place,
Trust by grace
You will finish the race.

Dear One,
Be careful to not become weary in doing good. Remember, at the right time you will reap a harvest if you do not give up (Galatians 6:9). So, be strong and courageous and do not be discouraged, for I am with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9).
- ABBA God