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Dearly Beloved One

Writer's picture: Karrie StitelerKarrie Stiteler

My Darling and Beloved Child,

I see you looking back at your past. I hear the torment of fear and shame, keeping you from looking my way. Your head is low, and you hide your face from me. Shame reminds you of your past failures and sins, holding them up before you, like a banner of accusation, then you are afraid. I can hear the struggle within your soul. The struggle to believe how I could even love you at all.

Oh! My Darling Child, if you only knew!

I formed and created you. Your birth was not a mistake. I have called your name, and I have never regretted that day you came home to me. I know of your weaknesses, and I offer myself as your strength. There is no need to feel ashamed. Look into your past again. But this time, let me show you through my perspective of grace.

I see you - the one whom I love—the one who bears the name of my beloved Son, Jesus. Your past sin and failures were covered the day that you ran my way, asking for my grace.

But what has happened? Why do you look back and see only your weakness? I only see your victories! I remember every time you turned and trusted me to lift you and place you back on your feet. I see the banner of victory waving over you, declaring the covenant of love signed by my Son.

But now, my child, you are scared to look at me? Who has told you that you are far from me? Who has told you that I am angry?

How it grieves my heart to know that you believe you must hide from me! I miss seeing your face, full of wonder and love, smiling back at me. I miss hearing your voice call out to me. I miss your sweet songs of worship and devoted love. Come and meet with me.

Look up, my love, and remember me.

Now, when you look back and remember me, you will find that I have never left you behind, but I was already waiting to take you up into my arms. Look back and find me! You have come so far, Dear one. Do not give up on me. I have held your hand through it all, and I am not about to let go. So, do not let go of me.

Instead, come and tell me what troubles you. Please tell me what makes you hide from me. Tell me what is in your heart. I promise you I will not turn away from you when you turn into me. I will listen and bring you peace. I care for you more than you can fully understand. But every day that you choose to hold my hand, I will have a chance to unveil my glory. Every day you will see how much I love you, and your heart will be awakened to the depths of my love for you.

Just look my way, once again. I am not ashamed, so don’t you be.

I will silence the accuser on your behalf. Sin has tried to separate you from me, but I have overcome sin, so you never have to leave me. Run into my arms once again, and we will cheer our way through your memories as you see what I see when I look at thee because I see a victory.

Eternally yours,

ABBA Daddy

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