Active Cccam
What is Cccam?
Cccam stands for Card Client Access Module. It is a software emulator that can communicate with a smart card reader and a server over the internet. The smart card reader is connected to a satellite receiver, which decrypts the signals from the satellite dish. The server is a computer that hosts the Cccam software and the subscription card. The server can share the card information with multiple clients over the network, allowing them to access the same channels as the card owner.
Cccam is one of the most popular card sharing protocols, because it is easy to use, reliable, and compatible with many devices. It can also support multiple servers and cards, which increases the chances of finding a working channel. However, Cccam also has some disadvantages, such as security risks, legal issues, and ethical concerns. Using Cccam to access unauthorized channels may violate the terms of service of the satellite provider, and may result in legal actions or penalties. Moreover, using Cccam may deprive the satellite provider of its rightful revenue, and may affect the quality of service for other customers.
How does Cccam work?
Cccam works by exchanging encrypted messages between the server and the clients. The server sends the card information to the clients, and the clients send back their requests for specific channels. The server then checks if the card is valid and authorized for those channels, and sends back the decryption keys to the clients. The clients use these keys to decode the signals from their satellite receivers, and display the channels on their TVs or other devices.
The communication between the server and the clients is based on a TCP/IP protocol, which means that they need to have a stable internet connection and a unique IP address. The server also needs to have a fixed port number, which is usually 12000. The clients need to have a Cccam account, which consists of four elements: the server address, the port number, the username, and the password. These elements are usually provided by the server owner or a third-party provider, who may charge a fee for their service.
How to set up Cccam on different devices?
Setting up Cccam on different devices depends on the type and model of the device, as well as the software version and interface. However, there are some general steps that can be followed for most devices:
Connect your device to your satellite dish and your internet router or modem.
Download and install the Cccam software or plugin on your device. You can find it online or from your device's menu or settings.
Edit or create a file named cccam.cfg on your device's memory or storage. This file contains your Cccam account information and other settings. You can use a text editor or a FTP program to edit or create this file.
Enter your Cccam account information in the cccam.cfg file. You need to enter one line for each server you want to use. The format of each line is: C: server_address port_number username password
Save and exit the cccam.cfg file.
Restart your device or reload your Cccam software or plugin.
Enjoy watching your favorite channels.
Here are some examples of how to set up Cccam on specific devices:
Dreambox HD: To set up Cccam on Dreambox HD receivers, you need to go to the blue panel by pressing the blue button on your remote control. Then go to addons > Cam and select CCcam 2.0.11 Complete or latest for download and install it. Then enable AUTO CAM from the blue panel. After that go to auto Cam and change default Cam to CCcam 2.0.11 or latest which you installed. Then replace or paste your cccam.cfg file in var/etc folder using FTP or USB stick.
Openbox S10: To set up Cccam on Openbox S10 receivers, you need to download cccam.cfg file from your provider or create it yourself using a text editor. Then add it to a USB stick without zipping it. Then go to Menu > Network Local Settings and select CCcam Plug Setting and click OK button. Then select cccam.cfg [CCcam Plug] and click OK button. You should see a check mark or tick appear, indicating you have selected the file.
Strong Decoder: To set up Cccam on Strong decoders, you need to open the patch menu by pressing a specific key combination on your remote control. For example, for SRT4920, SRT4922 & SRT4922A, you need to dial 8281. For SRT4950, SRT4950H & SRT4950M, you need to press F1+6969. For SRT 4955, 4955B or SRT 4955G, you need to press F1 + 8280. Then you need to edit the server list and enter your Cccam account information in the appropriate columns.
I hope this article has helped you understand what Cccam is, how it works, and how to set it up on different devices. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for reading.
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